»Look after your body, so your soul is glad to live there«
Issues: Psychic exhaustion, reduction in productivity and motivation, apathy, feeling of failure, irritability, social withdrawal, passivity, negativity, aggression, insomnia, psychosomatic complaints, concentration difficulties, depression, anxiety, reduced memory ability
»A symptom is a subconscious attempt by the body to solve a inner conflict«
Issues: Chronic gastrointestinal conditions, migraines, neurodermatitis, asthma, cardiac anxiety, pain, processing of life-changing illnesses, etc.
»When the soul is crushed«
Issues: Crisis situations, current and chronic life conflicts, depression, anxiety, phobias, burnout, self-worth issues, post-traumatic stress disorders, bullying, sleep problems, adaptation disorders following stressful life events such as bereavement or separation, problems at work, coping with illness in the case of severe physical illnesses such as cancer.